Individual Workshops

Virtual workshops designed for you


Looking for an OPI Workshop?

Virtual OPI Workshops for individual registration are held 每年两次. Modified OPI Assessment Workshops begin in January and in June, and OPI Assessment Workshops are held in February and in July.

详细的时间表和报名大约每年11月和4月开放. 我们在每个OPI星际网赌登录研讨会上都有多个特定语言的小组, along with several English/Mixed Language cohorts. 请联系 for more information.

记住: ACTFL Members receive discounted registration for all workshops. Members need to sign in to get your discount.

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ACTFL Classroom Instructional Strategies Workshops

ACTFL offers  virtual, 同步研讨会 ,讨论与课堂教学实践相关的各种主题, classroom assessment, 和经验, 单位, and curriculum design multiple times each year.

在每个现场虚拟活动中,与您的同事和杰出的ACTFL促进者互动. 参加者将有机会向ACTFL主持人学习, 在分组会议和论坛上与其他参与者合作并应用他们的学习, and then share ideas and takeaways with the larger group. 每个工作坊将包括应用你所学的活动,参与者将带着实用的工具离开工作坊, 例子, 和任务, ready to use within their classrooms.

Workshop Descriptions

ACTFL Assessment Workshops

ACTFL每年举办多次面向个人注册的虚拟星际网赌登录研讨会. 这些研讨会包括AAPPL熟悉、OPI星际网赌登录和修改OPI星际网赌登录.

Workshop Descriptions

Which OPI Workshop is Right for Me?

的 OPI and MOPI workshops are very similar. Consider these factors when choosing the right workshop for you:

为了获得从初级到上级的咨询opi的认证, you must pursue Full Certification, 这意味着你必须在目标语言中拥有优秀的个人OPI评级,并完成OPI工作坊.

如果您不需要或希望在所有熟练程度范围内进行咨询opi, you can pursue Limited Certification. 此认证允许您执行从初级到中级的咨询opi. 在这种情况下, 您可以完成MOPI工作坊而不是OPI工作坊,但必须在目标语言中拥有至少高级中等的个人OPI评级.

Requirements to Participate

作为有资格参加OPI或MOPI研讨会以及申请ACTFL OPI测试员认证的先决条件, registrants must be affiliated with (currently or previously) an academic institution as defined by ACTFL, have an undergraduate degree in a related field, and have a minimal proficiency level of 先进的中期 in the language of the workshop.

An academic institution is an accredited school, 大学, or university where foreign languages are taught. 术语“隶属于学术机构”是指参与指导或星际网赌登录语言学生的现任或前任教师和/或工作人员. 提供翻译服务或语言测试的私人语言公司不符合ACTFL对学术机构的定义. Private for-profit companies do not qualify.

OPI 测试人员 Certification

在完成OPI或MOPI工作坊后,参与者将有资格攻读ACTFL OPI 测试人员 Certification,如果需要的话. 无论培训的语言是什么,学员都可以用任何一种语言申请认证.

有意申请全面OPI测试员认证的注册人必须参加OPI星际网赌登录工作坊. 有意申请“有限营运资讯测试员”认证的注册人士,可参加营运资讯星际网赌登录或MOPI星际网赌登录工作坊.